KY: A third Louisville police officer has pleaded guilty to sexual abuse of a minor in Explorer program

[ – 11/16/20]

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WDRB) — A third Louisville Metro Police officer has pleaded guilty to sexual abusing a minor while serving as a mentor in the department’s youth Explorer program.

Former Officer Brad ____ faces up to a year in prison and a $100,000 fine after pleading guilty in U.S. District Court on Monday to a misdemeanor charge of sexual abuse.

____ , who resigned from the department earlier this month, will be sentenced March 10, and prosecutors indicated they would recommend six months incarceration. The judge will ultimately decide the sentence.

____ , 31, will remain free on bond, and he is not allowed to have any firearms. After serving his sentence, ____ will have to register as a sex offender and will be on supervised probation for a year.

The former officer was indicted Nov. 3 by a federal grand jury and was only supposed to be arraigned Monday but decided to instead go forward with the guilty plea.

____ said little in court but admitted he “subjected” a juvenile female in the Explorer program to “sexual contact” at her home and other places in 2010.

____ , who had himself been a participant in the now-defunct Explorer Program in 2009, joined LMPD in January 2010.

The victim listened to the hearing remotely but did not comment.

Read more about this proof of the Stranger Danger lie


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Wow! My mouth fell open reading the entire article. There must be more to the story, or at least I hope so, given how lenient this ex-cop is being treated.

I found on one website: “Examples of Class A misdemeanor offenses include broadcasting obscene language, distributing indecent material by subscription TV or cable, and obscenity in general. The penalties for a Class A misdemeanor can range from 1 year or less but more than 6 months’ prison term and a fine of up to $100,000. The probation term is between zero to five years.”

Class A is the “harshest” of the 3 categories of federal misdemeanors. How is his sexual contact, on several occasions, equal saying the “F-word” on cable TV?

His lawyer states: “…paying a pretty significant penalty by having to come here and admit the kind of conduct that no one would want to talk about publicly.” Oh really? None of us would know anything about that.

Interesting that the other two former officers mentioned in the article did however receive rather stiff sentences. Schuhmann should be grateful.

This just goes to show that in America
It’s only wrong if you get caught….

Good luck

I truly get disgusted when it’s the police that gets caught with sex charges simply because they have already seen what happens when regular citizens get convicted, do time, and live as social outcasts.

They know better than most people about these charges YET they still do it anyway. I guess they can’t help themselves…smh

The fact is everyone knows what this tyrant’s motive truly was , and he still has a job . So he feels zero remorse , yet people in in bug tussle think he is there to keep them safe ! just like everywhere else in this third world dung pile . the dog would still be alive and these peoples hearts would not be broken if it was not for this unconstitutional registry and the abusive power freaks propping it up , Cop was wishing it was some registered slave laying on the ground , But he will settle for a dog and people crying

There must be more to the story because I don’t see how the feds obtained jurisdiction. The report doesn’t indicate that he crossed a state line. Federal jurisdiction in pornography production cases can be had simply because the camera used was not manufactured in the state. Yes, yes that is an odd perversion of the commerce clause, but it is used all the time. Even possessing a photo that was taken in another state provides a federal nexus. Likewise, the internet is “an instrumentality of interstate commerce” and its use in the commission of certain local crimes can get the feds involved.

If anyone knows how the feds obtained jurisdiction for this purely local crime, please explain here. This has peaked my curiosity.


I had this happen to me back in 1982 and repeated prior in 1984-85.
I wanted to be like my grandpas, dumb young and full of…c that’s what I was gay and in closet but wanted helpful career. LITTLE DID I KNOW Y’ALL HAVE TO LIE@WORK! To be pride was not only a gay thing but Integration was not a part nor Integrity part of the word but Prode was.
I was an explorer then adv to dumber cadet in a,.should if said cow town but it was STEEL. Gone. But decades later now I’m on The Reg. 290 not fun but a new career. Yeah Marty this ones for you, pd.then so, wow
Life sux

@Dustin I really like your educated response , also the back up references as links.
I wasn’t a loser.during h.s. but all of us were sexually active.during the program except we all.went to the same.h.s., back then BSA housed us and we were 15.5—21 y.o
y.o., but I was also an Explorer punished for a showing as an adult- consensual BTW, too bad the bill goes into effect jan 1st., but Kentucky already had that 10 yr gap, mine was 5.